1-4 Aralik 2005 günlerinde gerçekleştirilecek olan Ruhsal Travma Toplantıları-IV’te bu yıl Ariel Shalev de yer alıyor. Ruhsal Travma alanında dünyanın sayılı adlarından biri olan Shalev bu toplantıda “Terörün dünyasında barış umudunu korumak” başlıklı bir konferans verecek. Aşağıda bu konuşmanın özetini ve Shalev’in bilimsel yaşam özetini bulacaksınız. Keeping the hope for peace in a world of terror Arieh Shalev Whilst humans deeply aspire for peace – the recent years have been hampered by terrorism, to the point of casting doubt about who we are and where we intend to take our lives and those of our children. Terrorism is said to be one of many means to achieve political, national or religious goals. Employing terror, however, is deeply perverting, in that the lives of innocents are being deliberately wasted in order to extort advantages, curb communities’ will, and break spirits. The breaking of spirits has two essential expressions: becoming subdue or taking retaliatory postures. Adopting either attitude, therefore, would be terror’s utmost victory. Having survived years of terror, in Jerusalem, the presenter has clearly observed that, even in the midst of misery both Israelis and Palestinians, kept being resilient to the toxic effect of terror, in that both continued to forcefully behaves in ways that fostered hope and prepared the future. This presentation will consist of discussing the psychological roots of being terrorized and the healing powers embedded in each person, family and community. Resiliency to being swayed be Evil is an essential psychological attribute of humans, which psychiatrists and trauma expert should recognize, promote and foster. Curriculum Vita Arieh Y Shalev, M.D. ashalev@.CC.HUJI.AC.IL Present Position: