International Conference on Mood Disorders |
Preconference Session |
March 29, 2006 Wednesday |
Roundtable discussion: |
Expanding Quality: Can we establish a regional collaborative network regarding education, mental health services and research in mood disorders? |
Moderators: Zeliha Tunca, Berna Uluğ, Adib Essali |
Invited participants: Hagop Akiskal, Numan Ali, MDYasamy, Konstantin Danielyan, Kostas Fountoulakis, Khachatour Gasparyan, Peykan Gökalp, Shahrokh S. Gudarzi, Fuad İsmayilov, Yiannis Kalakoudas, Oğuz Karamustafalıoğlu, Georgy Koychev, Andreas Marneros, Sergei Mosolov, George Naneishvili, Yannis Nymatoudis, Timuçin Oral, Ayşegül Özerdem, Norman Sartorius, Mustafa Sercan, İnci Taşyürek, T. Bedirhan Üstün, Simavi Vahip, Olcay Yazıcı |
The invited speakers and discussants (representatives of countries) will mediate the meeeting and it will be open to the audience for further discussion |
16.00-17.30 |
Part I : Present position of mental health services, education and research in regional countries. |
17.45-19.00 |
Part II: Practical suggestions for collaboration |
· There will be at least one representative from each participating country |
· After presentations by individual representatives, a free discussion by the invited participants and the audience will be encouraged on practical suggestions during second part. |
· A report will be prepared to be presented at the closing session |
· Pre-conference preparation among the representatives will be done via e-mail communication |
International Conference on Mood Disorders |
Close Encounters of Three Seas: Building Regional Bridges |
March 30, 2006 Thursday |
08:30-09:30 |
Registration |
09:30-09:45 |
Opening |
09:45-10:30 |
Hall 1 |
Seven hills, seven cultures, seven hospitals |
Şahap Erkoç |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee break |
11:00-12:00 |
Hall 1 |
Keynote lecture #1 |
Bipolar spectrum: historical perspectives and current evidence |
Hagop Akiskal |
12:15-13:30 |
Industry supported symposia 1 & 2 |
13:30-14:30 |
Hall 1 |
Keynote lecture #2 |
Depression and public health: challenges and requirements. |
Norman Sartorius |
14:45-16:15 |
Hall 1 |
Symposium #1 |
Cultural aspects of depression |
· Studies on cultural aspects of depression in Turkey |
Can Cimilli |
· Cultural aspects of depression in Georgia |
George Naneishvili |
· Tradition, modernity and depression. The Turkish case |
Kemal Sayar |
Dicussant: Norman Sartorius |
Hall 2 |
Symposium #2 |
Neurobiological basis of bipolar disorder |
· The possible role of a simple molecule, inositol, in pathophysiology and treatment of a complex disease-bipolar disorder & cellular mechanisms beyond inositol pahtway |
Galila Agam |
· Chronobiological and pharmacokinetic aspests of long-term treatment in bipolar disorder |
Sergei Mosolov |
· Brain dynamics and bipolar disorder: an update on neurocognitive processing and electrophysiological findings |
Ayşegül Özerdem |
16:15-16:30 |
Coffee break |
16:30-18:00 |
Workshops & meet the expert sessions |
Hall 1 |
Workshop #1 |
Methodological and practical issues on doing genetic studies in bipolar disorders |
Nurten Akarsu, Richard Ebstein, Suzan Özer |
Hall 2 |
Workshop #2 |
Evidence based practice in mood disorders |
Adip Essali |
Hall 3 |
Workshop #3 |
Course and outcome in bipolar disorder: a critical approach to systematic follow-up |
Kostas Fountoulakis, Ayşegül Özerdem, Timuçin Oral |
Hall 4 |
Meet the expert #1 |
State of art in the diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorders: expert opinions on difficult cases |
Experts : Hagop Akiskal, Andreas Marneros, Zeliha Tunca |
Case presenters: Deniz Arık, Sibel Çakır, Lut Tamam |
19:30-21:30 |
Opening ceremony |
& Opening of the patients’ paintings exibition |
& Welcome reception |
22:00-23:00 |
Concert of Three Seas Ensemble |
31 March 2006 Friday |
09:00-10:30 |
Hall 1 |
Symposium #3 |
Schizoaffective disorder: Intersection between bipolar disorders and schizophrenia |
· Schizoaffective disorder - bridge over the spectra |
Andreas Marneros |
· Towards a better understanding of bipolar genetics: genes for psychosis |
Aylin Uluşahin |
· Contemporary treatment strategies for schizoaffective disorders |
Cem Atbaşoğlu |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee break |
11:00-12:00 |
Hall 1 |
Keynote lecture #3 |
Imaging Genomics: Exploring the interplay of genes, brain and behavior in the pathophysiology of mood disorders |
Ahmad Hariri |
12:15-13:30 |
Industry supported symposia 3 & 4 |
13:30-14:30 |
Hall 1 |
Keynote lecture #4 |
Prefrontal cortical functions in bipolar disorders |
Sophia Frangou |
14:45-16:15 |
Hall 1 |
Symposium #4 |
Treatment of bipolar disorders: an update |
· Treatment of manic and mixed episodes: an update |
Timuçin Oral |
· Treatment of bipolar depression: an update |
Roumen Milev |
· On manic switch process: current evidence and future needs |
Simavi Vahip |
· Long term treatment of bipolar disorder: an update |
Kostas Fountoulakis |
Hall 2 |
Symposium #5 |
Many faces of mood disorders |
· Psychopathological spectrum of the manic states |
Georgy Koychev |
· Dysphoric mania: Out of mind, not out of sight |
Shahrokh S. Gudarzi |
· New findings on the validity of unipolar mania |
Olcay Yazıcı |
16:15-16:30 |
Coffee break |
16:30-18:00 |
Workshops & meet the expert sessions |
Hall 1 |
Workshop #4 |
Psychotropic drug use during pregnancy and postpartum period in bipolar patients |
Fisun Akdeniz, Anke Rohde |
Hall 2 |
Workshop #5 |
Cultural case formulations |
Can Cimilli, George Naneishvili, Medaim Yanık |
Hall 3 |
Workshop #6 |
Studying Disability and quality of life in mood disorders |
T. Bedirhan Üstün, Ömer Aydemir |
Hall 4 |
Meet the expert #2 |
State of art in the diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorders: expert opinions on difficult cases |
Experts: Shahrokh S. Gudarzi, Roumen Milev, Orhan Öztürk |
Case presenters: Yavuz Ayhan, Evrim Erten, Haluk Savaş |
18:00-19:00 |
Poster session (with adjournment) |
April 1st 2006, Saturday |
09:00-10:30 |
Hall 1 |
Symposium #6 |
Mood disorders in special populations |
· Mood in developmental context: when learning to regulate is difficult |
Yankı Yazgan |
· Bipolar disorder in elderly population: what should clinicians know about diagnosis and treatment? |
Turan Ertan |
· Mood disorders in pregnancy and postpartum period: recent findings on epidemiology and clinical characteristics |
Anke Rohde |
· Current evidence in the treatment of mood disorders during pregnancy and postpartum period |
Fisun Akdeniz |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee break |
11:00-12:00 |
Hall 1 |
Keynote lecture #5 |
Genetics of temperament |
Richard Ebstein |
12:15-13:30 |
Industry supported symposia 5 & 6 |
13:30-14:30 |
Hall 1 |
Keynote lecture #6 |
Future classification of mood disorders |
T. Bedirhan Üstün |
14:30-15:00 |
Coffee break |
15:00-16:30 |
Hall 1 |
Symposium #7 |
Psychosocial issues and psychotherapeutic interventions |
· Perception of the disease and stigmatization in bipolar disorder |
Kaan Kora |
· Psychiatric consequences of child abuse and neglect |
Adip Essali |
· Our bipolar patients have children, too... |
Işıl Vahip |
· Psychotherapeutic interventions in the treatment of bipolar disorders: techniques every clinicians can use |
Müge Alkan |
Hall 2 |
Symposium #8 |
Recent neuroimaging studies in mood disorders |
· How do genes shape mood and brain? |
Ali Saffet Gönül |
· Cingulate cortex abnormalities in bipolar disorder |
Serap Monkul |
· Mood disorders and molecular imaging |
Ali Bozkurt |
Discussant: Sophia Frangou |
Hall 3 |
Symposium #9 |
Comorbidity & evolutionary frame of mood disorders |
· Challenges and solutions in the management of comorbid mood and alcohol use disorders |
Berna Uluğ |
· Familial Mediterranean Fever and affective disorders |
Armen Nersysyan, Konstantin Danielyan |
· Mood disorders from an evolutionary frame |
Kerem Doksat |
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee break |
17:00-18:30 |
Hall 1 |
Interactive forum: Voices from different countries |
How do we treat bipolar patients in our countries? Real world experiences |
Hall 1 |
18:45-19:30 |
Presentation of the roundtable discussion report on collaboration in our region & Poster award ceremony & Closing remarks |
20:30-24:00 |
Congress party |