Keeping the hope for peace in a world of terror
Arieh Shalev
Whilst humans deeply aspire for peace – the recent years have been hampered by terrorism, to the point of casting doubt about who we are and where we intend to take our lives and those of our children. Terrorism is said to be one of many means to achieve political, national or religious goals. Employing terror, however, is deeply perverting, in that the lives of innocents are being deliberately wasted in order to extort advantages, curb communities’ will, and break spirits. The breaking of spirits has two essential expressions: becoming subdue or taking retaliatory postures. Adopting either attitude, therefore, would be terror’s utmost victory. Having survived years of terror, in Jerusalem, the presenter has clearly observed that, even in the midst of misery both Israelis and Palestinians, kept being resilient to the toxic effect of terror, in that both continued to forcefully behaves in ways that fostered hope and prepared the future. This presentation will consist of discussing the psychological roots of being terrorized and the healing powers embedded in each person, family and community. Resiliency to being swayed be Evil is an essential psychological attribute of humans, which psychiatrists and trauma expert should recognize, promote and foster.
Curriculum Vita
Arieh Y Shalev, M.D.
Present Position:
Professor and Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, New York Medical College, NY
Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
Director and founder, Center for Traumatic Stress, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem.
Editor and Co-Founder "Sihot" ("Dialogue") - Israel Journal of Psychotherapy.
Bye Fellow, Robinson College, Cambridge, UK
Decorations and Awards
1987 Weiler Award, Ministry of Justice, Israel.
1988 Meritorious Service Award, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD
1995 Robert S. Laufer memorial award for outstanding scientific achievement in the field of PTSD, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
Research Grants
U.S. Army Research and Development Command. “Debriefing Military Units Following Combat Exposure.” (1991-1993)
Ministry of Labor, Israel: "Predictors of PTSD in survivors of work accidents” (1993-1995)
Chief Scientist, Ministry of Health, Israel "De-novo conditioning in PTSD and Anxiety Disorders" (1993-1995)
NIH/NIMH (RO1 MH50379): “Prospective study of auditory startle Response in PTSD” (1994-1997)
NIH/NIMH (RO1/ Extension to MH50379) “Prospective MRI study of hippocampal volume in trauma survivors with PTSD” (1996-1998)
NIH/NIMH (RO1/ MH 50379 -- Competing Continuation) “Prospective neurobiological study of PTSD”. (1998-2001)
Chief Scientist -Ministry of Health, Israel "Candidate genes for PTSD" (1998-1999)
United States - Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF) “Genetic Association study of post traumatic stress disorder” (1999-2001)
US - Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF)/ “Structural brain imaging in PTSD: Four years follow-up” (2000-2002)
Chief Scientist, Ministry of Health, Israel "Comprehensive evaluation of the HPA Axis in PTSD" (2000-2002)
Chief Scientist-Ministry of Health, Israel "Prospective study of PTSD in children" (2001-2002)
Horowitz / Hadassit foundation, Israel “Peripheral Gene Expression in Recent Trauma Survivors with PTSD” (2002-2005)
UJA / New York; UJA Philadelphia’ Jerry Lee Foundation: “Preventing PTSD: Creating a National Standard of Care” (2002-2005)
Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals: Pharmacological Prevention of PTSD (2003-current)
NIH/NIMH “Prevention of PTSD by early treatment” (2005-2007)